ForeStructured Growth Playbook

Help clients gain control of their retirement savings

Gain perspective

The charts below show that equity markets have historically provided long-term growth opportunities. You can see that the S&P 500® and NASDAQ-100 Index® have delivered positive returns more than three-quarters of the time over both one-year daily rolling periods, and over six-year daily rolling periods, the S&P 500® Index performed even better.

With ForeStructured Growth RILA, index values at the beginning and end of the Strategy Term are used to determine interest crediting, regardless of what happens in between. So you can remain focused on the end result, not short-term volatility.

One-year daily rolling period


S&P 500 Index

Jan. 1, 1970 - Dec. 31, 2023

Total observations: 13,817

History of Gains and Losses
Percent of time Gains over 20% 24%
Percent of time Gains between 10-20% 28%
Percent of time Gains between 0-10% 23%
Percent of time Losses between 0-10% 12%
Percent of time Losses between 10-20% 8%
Percent of time Losses exceeding 20% 5%

One-year daily rolling period


NASDAQ-100 Index®

Feb. 4, 1985 - Dec. 31, 2023

Total observations: 9,880

History of Gains and Losses
Percent of time Gains over 20% 44%
Percent of time Gains between 10-20% 19%
Percent of time Gains between 0-10% 18%
Percent of time Losses between 0-10% 6%
Percent of time Losses between 10-20% 3%
Percent of time Losses exceeding 20% 10%

Six-year daily rolling period


S&P 500® Index

Jan. 1, 1970 - Dec. 31, 2023

Total observations: 12,513

History of Gains and Losses
Percent of time Gains over 20% 71%
Percent of time Gains between 10-20% 6%
Percent of time Gains between 0-10% 11%
Percent of time Losses between 0-10% 8%
Percent of time Losses between 10-20% 4%
Percent of time Losses exceeding 20% 0%

Source: SPX, NDX.

For illustrative purposes only. Past performance is no guarantee of future results. Historical index performance, chosen to illustrate how a one and six year period may perform, does not reflect performance of any Global Atlantic product including the ForeStructured Growth registered index-linked annuity which will be different. Index performance is historical, does not reflect the impact of reinvested dividends, costs or expenses typically associated with investing. Investors cannot invest directly in the index.

Putting it in Perspective

Share these effective one-pagers with your clients to help shed light on how ForeStructured Growth may help them navigate changing economic conditions.

Case Study – Meet Linda

Learn about how a ForeStructured Growth annuity can protect your client against market declines while providing the potential to recover faster and grow their retirement savings.

Potential for Growth and Protection

Educate your client about how Index Caps and Participation Rates work with Buffers and Floors to provide growth potential and protection from loss.

See how it works

Use this interactive tool to demonstrate how Interest Crediting may be affected during different Strategy Terms within the growth potential and protection features of ForeStructured Growth.


Compare ForeStructured Growth Registered Index-Linked Annuity (RILA) against a hypothetical traditional 60/40 portfolio of equities and bonds.

Adaptability and Flexibility

ForeStructured Growth offers an innovative interest crediting option that guarantees no more than 10% of your client’s original allocation to that Index Strategy is at risk of loss while providing the increased growth potential.1

ForeStructured Growth sample illustrations

Get sample illustrations to see the growth potential that ForeStructured Growth may provide.

Get started

Let these resources help guide your client conversation, then leave them behind along with a prospectus for your client’s reference.

Watch Videos, Learn More & Share with your client

Help your clients better understand how ForeStructured Growth RILA and the Adaptive Floor Strategy work through these short videos that can be shared directly with your clients.

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